There are literally 3 rules to be winning. In this article I will be discussing about it.
Usually, people think that becoming successful is hard. Or it requires some kind of divine talent for doing things. Or I have even heard people say that it’s not for me. I was not born to do this. This is not my calling.
And to all the people who thinks that people are born with some kind of talent or there’s a calling for them – Well a Big *$#*# To All.
Seriously, you are just giving yet another excuse for not doing something that you should.
In this article, I will talk about the 3 basic rules to find success in anything you want. And trust me you already know it.
I want to take a different approach this time. I want to create a real situation of a person (let’s call him Tim) who has come to me for guidance. He is a noob. He doesn’t know what he wants. He is just driven by his feelings until now.
Table of Contents
Tim Is Talking…
It doesn’t feel right. I don’t like what I’m doing right now. I was not meant to live like that.
I don’t understand why it is so difficult to change careers. I’ve always wanted to explore the world, different cultures, people and live outside my home country. But it all seems to be so difficult.
I feel lost.
I’m 28 years old and my life is going nowhere.
My relationships sucks. I’ve no one in life to share my feelings, achievements (well there is none), no one to take a stand for me.
I’ve no one to guide me towards a life that I want.
Surely, Tim is suicidal 😀
Let’s see how can Tim change his life around. And it’s just a matter of changing the perspective and becoming a doer.
1. Know What You Want

This is so trivial that even talking about it sounds stupid. Ofcouse you will have to know what you want in order to make it happen.
I resonate with the navigation theory.
Let’s say I give you the Google maps on your hand and If you do not know where you want to go, well then… the entire map is of no use. You better throw the entire thing and walk all by yourself. A map is just going to create distractions for you.
But let’s say you know where you want to go. Then the same map can help you to quickly find your way.
And this is your next step. In this case, a map is finding you the way to reach your destination and in reality, it is you who have to figure it out. It’s like carrying an old paper map. There are multiple ways to reach your desired location but in the end, it is you who have to decide which route to take.
I hope I’m making sense. And it’s no rocket science. It simply is about knowing what you want to do.
So, Tim what do you want to do?
Tim: I want to study.
Professor: What do you want to study?
Tim: I don’t know… I’m good in marketing, I guess?
Professor: How do you know you are good in marketing? Do you have any work to show in that field?
Tim: Ummm… I don’t have any work to showcase there. I didn’t do it before, I wish to study the field first and then only I can come up with some projects.I cannot do two things at the same time.
Professor: Okay… so if you have not worked in the field of marketing before, why do you think you will do good in it?
Tim: I think its cool and like watching ads. I think I can understand the people better and can manipulate their emotions into buying my product.
(Tim who couldn’t even manipulate his emotions to feel good is talking about manipulating others emotions through marketing)
Professor: Well… I’ll ask again. How do you know you can do all that what you are saying. Do you have anything real, solid, physical to prove that? Have you worked on some project before where you can showcase the things you are telling me?
Tim: No
Professor: In that case, your first task is to find out what you really want. And the only way to know about it is to do it. You think marketing suits you – why don’t you go online and sign up for a small course on marketing and do some exercises. See if you are any good with it. And if you enjoy doing it and you are good at it, then sure you will have something to prove you’re worth. And that something that you’ll do as a part of your exercise will be useful in securing you a job in the future. Or if you want to study it further that work could be used to showcase your skills in a university.
Tim: Ah… makes sense. I guess I can put in some extra hours into it after work to see how it turns out.
Professor: Now you are talking 🙂
2. Figure Out How To Do It

Till now you might have understood where I’m going with this article.
See you know where you want to go. Congrats!!
Now in this fast information-driven age, you are just a google search away from it. You will get thousands of ways to do what you want to do. The big challenge here is to find out the easiest way that suits you.
Whenever I feel bored of my current job or find a need to change something immediately. I do not make myself miserable at that very second. I try to understand that emotion. And then I try to signup a small course online or find people who have done it before. I try to absorb all the available information like a sponge. And once I have enough information, making a decision is quite easy.
The more information you have about the thing that you want to do, the more ways you find out for doing it.
Let’s come back to Tim’s conversation
Tim: I finished a course on marketing as you suggested. And I think marketing is my cup of tea. I really enjoyed the course and excelled in the given exercises.
Professor: That’s good to hear, Tim! So, what do you want to do now. Have you thought about pursuing a career in marketing?
Tim: Yes. I’ve given it enough thought and now I have a real world experience. I think I would want to pursue Masters of Marketing from a University of Stockholm.
Professor: Great! Now all you need to do is find out how to apply for it.
Tim: Cool! I’ll go find out how to apply there and note down everything.
3. Just Do It

There is a big leap from getting the information — to — actually doing it.
This is often times the hardest.
You will find many people who are extremely good at collecting information, researching about something but there are a handful people who know how to use that knowledge and convert that into practical steps.
You have to make this transition. From collecting information to actually using it to create concrete steps.
This is not just a matter of logic and analytics… it is also a matter of creativity. You got to make things easy for you and that involves intelligent and creative use of information at hand. This involves networking with people. This involves manipulating people around you to get your job done. And that’s why you got to be creative as well.
In the case of Tim.
Tim will find the steps to apply easily online. But to actually cement his position in the university, he will have to talk to recruiters, alumni, make friends, and then finally with the combined knowledge take the step to select the course and cement his seat in the university.
And there shouldn’t be any second thoughts about it.
At this point, he doesn’t have to fear about failing. Failing will come later on and whenever it comes it should be tackled at that time. At this time, he should just focus on getting into the university.
I understand the competition is tough and there is a high probability that he won’t get the seat but that is when the creative side kicks in. He got to convince the recruiter to find a him a seat in that university. And how he does that makes all the difference.
This is what makes doers different from naysayers. They find a way to do what is necessary. It’s impossible to stop a doer from doing what he wants. He will find a way to get it.
I hope this article gave you an interesting insight about the world we live in.
If you want to share anything please do it in the comments below.