Lately, my days are passing in a snap. I’m working more than 10 hours a day without break. And not because someone is forcing me to but because the work is so interesting. Almost everything around me is new and I really can’t stop absorbing the essence of it all.
Today was one such day. I was quite busy from the start. I don’t know how long can I keep up this positive energy in me. Because I’m the kind of guy who gets bored very quickly if there’s nothing new to do.
And just to keep me sane, I’ve started a youtube channel. It’s just for the hobby. After all, I need to do something else apart from my work. Not only this… There is a reason why I chose to start a youtube channel. That’s because I got interested in filmmaking. People who know me probably be laughing… and I’m totally cool with that because I was also laughing the other day when I spent 3 hours editing a video that doesn’t even have that many clips 😆. And after editing my first video (which has nothing to do with film-making at all) I got to know that it’s not easy.
Being creative is a mindset.
You get to take your mind off completely from other stuff and immerse yourself into it. it’s more like writing. Putting up your thoughts on a piece of paper, or in this modern world, a computer screen. So I started a youtube channel because I wanted to teach myself editing. Editing quickly and making it interesting.
Also, a very popular YouTuber once said – Film is made twice — The first time shooting and the second time in the editing. And editing plays a bigger role when it comes to conveying a story.
I don’t know why I’m writing all this here. Because this article is about Iterative Merge Sort — But also about sharing my youtube video ðŸ§Â
Let’s start with that.
Merge Sort
This algorithm is amazing. This was the first algorithm that got me interested in the world of… algorithms. Well, my vocab is poor. Bare with me. Feelings ko samjho.
This is a very neat algorithm to understand the divide and conquer strategy. You take a big array and then you break it in half. Then you break both the halves into another half and you continue to do so until you have reached the last element.
A perfect place to implement the recursion.
But we are not going to do it recursively, we will do it iteratively.
Not because I can’t do it recursively (well now when I think about it, I don’t know, haven’t tried it from a long time) but because you will find a ton of articles out there doing the same thing via recursion.
We will do it iteratively, also known as Bottom up Merge Sort.

And I will not explain anything here. Because then you will not watch my video… and I want you to watch that video… and not just watch that video but also to subscribe my channel. Haha… But seriously, just do it, support this poor boy.
But I won’t just leave you with the video. I know some of you just want the code. So, just take it.
I hope it helps.
And don’t forget to subscribe the channel. There’s a lot more to come in the future. And trust me it won’t just be about programming.
Last but not least… this is just a hobby channel, I really don’t expect an audience through this — but still it would be great if you subscribe it and show some support and share some feedback… make it brutal… will be very useful for some of the other projects that I’m working on right now.
Till then,